June 1, 2021
- According to current CDC and Pennsylvania State guidelines relative to face coverings, individuals that have been fully vaccinated are not required to wear face coverings indoors. This guidance remains in effect for Pennsylvanians until June 28th, or when 70% of adults within the state are fully vaccinated.
- As Calvary Church has basically followed CDC and Pennsylvania State guidelines throughout this pandemic, individuals who have been fully vaccinated will not be required to wear a face covering for our in-person gatherings. However, Consistory is hopeful that our Calvary Church family will do their best to keep one another in mind and to respect, love, and care for one another as we near the end of the pandemic mitigations.
- All in-person gatherings are open to all members and visitors that wish to attend.
- When preparing to attend an in-person gathering at Calvary Church, if you or anyone in your household is feeling any of the symptoms of COVID-19, influenza, or any other illness, please stay home.
- Live Streaming of Sunday morning worship services will continue. If you are unable to attend for any reason you can enjoy the services via the live stream. Recordings of each worship service and weekly sermons are posted on our website, www.calvarylebanon.org, to view at your leisure.
- If you wish to fellowship before or after the service, please be mindful of social distancing guidelines.
- The sanctuary remains set up to accommodate social distancing practices. Families that live together and attend service together may sit with one another, but individuals should sit six feet apart during the service.
- The building continues to be properly sanitized and cleaned each week.
- Hand sanitizing stations are located throughout the sanctuary, bathrooms, and narthex.
- We will continue to use fellowship cups for communion services. They will be placed on the communion table so that individuals can take their own cup for their use.
- All in-person gatherings will continue to meet in the sanctuary. This includes Prayer Meetingon the first Tuesday of each month, weekly Wednesday evening Bible Study, Men’s Meetingon the fourth Thursday of each month, and the monthly Women’s Meeting.
- The monthly “Stay for Lunch” will resume beginning Sunday, July 11. “Coffee Gatherings” remain on hold until further notice.
- Adjustments to these guidelines and plans will be made as the need arises and as updated guidelines are provided by the CDC and proper Pennsylvania State authorities.