February 20, 2022

Dear Calvary Church Family,

Consistory would like to take this moment to thank everyone at Calvary Church, members and visitors alike, for their cooperation, understanding, and patience during the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Thank you for your faithfulness, diligence, and demonstration to what it means to be a disciple and witness for Jesus during such tumultuous times.

As our community, state, and country continue to navigate their way out of pandemic mitigations, Consistory would like to offer its latest update on our Guidelines and Plans for In-Person Gatherings.  Consistory recognizes that many of the items listed in this update are already being practiced during our in-person gathering, however, Consistory is issuing this update to maintain consistency of guidelines with practice and to encourage all members and visitors to continue to be diligent in embracing safety and respectfulness during our in-person gatherings.

Since the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has removed its state-wide pandemic mitigations – including face coverings – face coverings are not required for in-person gatherings – regardless of one’s covid vaccination status.  Consistory remains hopeful, however, that our Calvary Church family will continue to keep one another in mind and to respect one another’s personal choices, as well as love, and care for one another as we further progress to more “normal” operations.

The following are the most recent Guidelines and Plans for In-Person Gatherings:

  • All in-person gatherings are open to all members and visitors that wish to attend.
  • When preparing to attend an in-person gathering, if you or anyone in your household is feeling any of the symptoms of COVID-19, influenza, or any other illness, please stay home.
  • Live Streaming of Sunday morning worship services will continue.  Live services can be viewed on our website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel.  Recordings of each weekly sermon are posted on our website, www.calvarylebanon.org, to view at your leisure.
  • The sanctuary seating has been restored to its pre-pandemic setup.  The building continues to be sanitized and cleaned each week.  Hand sanitizing stations are located throughout the sanctuary, bathrooms, and narthex.
  • The nursery and lower-level facilities are now open.  Sanitization stations are available in the lower level.
  • We will continue to use self-contained fellowship cups for communion services until further notice.
  • Prayer Meeting on the first Tuesday of each month will meet in the Sanctuary.
  • The weekly Wednesday evening Bible Study will be held in the lower level.
  • Sunday morning prayer will be held in the lower level and will begin at 9:15 am.
  • The monthly Men’s Meeting and Women’s Meeting will meet in the lower level.
  • The monthly “Stay for Lunch” has resumed.  “Coffee Gatherings” remain on hold until further notice.
  • Adjustments to these guidelines and plans will be made as the need arises.

Should you have any questions or comments relative to these guidelines and plans please contact any member of Consistory. 

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.


Rev. Troy E. Williams, M.Div., Pastor/President             Mike Fornwalt, Elder

Rick Keiper, Elder/Vice President                                  Florence Barth, Deacon/Secretary/Treasurer